Premium Chatbot
✔ Unlimited chats
✔ 100 Chat AI credits
✔ One Project Admin
✔ Standard Chat bot building service
✔ One Chat Bot responds to queries and captures lead information
✔ Sharable Chatbot link:
Invite others to use your chatbot by sharing a link with them
✔ Access to your bot Dashboard and conversations
✔ Customized Bot name
✔ Customized bot template colors
✔ Customer name customized bot responses
✔ Website integration
✔ 15-day dashboard Support after project completion
✔ Unlimited chats
✔ 100 Chat AI credits
✔ One Project Admin
✔ Standard Chat bot building service
✔ One Chat Bot responds to queries and captures lead information
✔ Sharable Chatbot link:
Invite others to use your chatbot by sharing a link with them
✔ Access to your bot Dashboard and conversations
✔ Customized Bot name
✔ Customized bot template colors
✔ Customer name customized bot responses
✔ Website integration
✔ 15-day dashboard Support after project completion
✔ Unlimited chats
✔ 100 Chat AI credits
✔ One Project Admin
✔ Standard Chat bot building service
✔ One Chat Bot responds to queries and captures lead information
✔ Sharable Chatbot link:
Invite others to use your chatbot by sharing a link with them
✔ Access to your bot Dashboard and conversations
✔ Customized Bot name
✔ Customized bot template colors
✔ Customer name customized bot responses
✔ Website integration
✔ 15-day dashboard Support after project completion